Burning Issues

Wood smoke tables and charts.

Burning Issues:

Emmissions Information Tables (description of tables)

Chart: Comparing Particle Emissions from Traffic, Cigarettes and Heating

Energy Ladder

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) Comparisons Coal and Wood

Burning Issues Monitoring:

Abstract for 1994 Aerosol Conference

Effect of a Single Burner

Average of Los Altos PM 2.5 pollution by time of day and day of week showing business versus personal choice pollution.

One Week of Monitoring in Los Altos, CA

San Francisco Area Charts:

Particulate Sources of PM10 and PM-2.5 in the San Francisco Bay area. This material was supplied by Dr. Wayne Ott (1998). 

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Concentrations in the San Francisco Bay area. This material was supplied by Dr. Wayne Ott (1998). 

California Air Resources Board (CA ARB) PM10 Emissions Trends and Forcasts:1999, 2001

California Air Resources Board (CA ARB) PM10 Emissions Trends and Forcasts 2010

Fuel Cost Chart


Burning Issues
Box 1045
Point Arena CA 95468
Tel: 707-882-3601
Email: [pm10mary at mcn dot org]

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