Medical Effects: Effect of a Single Burner

Conference Presentation
Data from the Neighborhood Monitoring above was presented in a poster session at the Conference on Mortality and Morbidity at UC Irvine in January 1994. See Abstract: "Real-Time Monitoring of Airborne Particles" , Mary J. Rozenberg, Inhalation Toxicology, Taylor & Francais, Bristol, PA, Vol. 7, No.5, July 1995., pg 833

Effect of a Single Burner

One Saturday afternoon, a close neighbor was observed to return home on a beautiful afternoon and to start a file. After a while the wind changed direction and he let the file burnout while he went out. Later in the evening he returned home again and relit his fire. Fortunately, the nephelometer was running on our back porch through out the episode. Here is a record of the particulate pollution that was measured in the following popup.

Graph of a single burner.

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